All things in nature are composed of molecules, and those molecules of atoms that depending on whether they contain more protons or electrons, can be positive or negative ions. Ions take part in every chemical process.

The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside, and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction.

The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies around it, creating a electromagnetic spectrum of frequency called "information envelope", responsible for the healthy functioning of the body. Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever the reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, ... and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells.

As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.

The solution to this problem can be found in a micro-generator which houses information on the biological frequency of healthy cells, whereby during the treatment cells "learn", or remember to do what they forgot.

Informotherapy – a medicine of the future.

When we are healthy, our body is in a state of natural balance, where an ongoing process of constant renewal of cells ...

What is informotherapy based on?

Ukrainian scientist, PhD in Biophysics and Medicine Zenovij Dimitrovich Skrypnjuk, back in 1989, experimentally proved that...

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Informotherapy is of a quantum nature in a way that it acts upon the body’s renewal of regulatory systems of the cell, making the...

What are the advantages of informotherapy?

A simple examination. Diagnostic examination preceded the informotherapy – informodiagnosis is the method of Doctor Volla...


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