Despite taking anamnesis of patients, physical examination and other diagnostic methods: biochemical analysis, histopathological, microbiological, X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance-ECG, EEG etc.., The diagnostic methods mentioned in certain diseases and pathological conditions cannot assist in determining the precise diagnosis.

Lately greater importance is given to a special diagnostic method that is called Informodiagnostics or electro puncture diagnostics (EPD). It's a nonivasive diagnostic method that modern medicine can consider qualitative addition to all existing methods. Someone might call it an "alternative method". That is true for now now, though dr.Willem Einthoven Dutch the doctor that invented the ECG device was not officially recognized for it up until 1924, when he was awarded the Nobel prize for his method and the contribution to medicine. This means that over 20 years his remarkable invention has been an "alternative method".

Nowadays, the ECG is the "golden standard" in diagnosing heart conditions. EPD is a similar method where the parameters are obtained for the membrane potential of the cells (expressed in micro amps), not only for the heart but for all other organs and systems. The measuring itself has no adverse effects and no negative impact on the system of the patient.

The EPD method through precise measurement allows to determine the preconditions for patho-physiological changes of certain organs, which can quite accurately determine the site of the primary cancer and the secondary metastatic. With the EPD measurements obtained there is an immediate inspection of the condition of the body and cells that are (or are not) affected by cancer. The data obtained in this way of measuring expresses the condition and potential of the cellular membrane of the infected organ and all other organs who are not suffering from metastatic changes.

The results of the measurements are important indicators for the doctor - oncologist, in determining the duration of chemotherapy. It can make a qualitative difference between oncology patients who were determined their chemotherapy by an oncologist who only and exclusively based it on tumor markers. So, the difference is between life and death.


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